Event Graphic: Special Olympics regional event
Santa Monica, CA
Scott Wells film production
Los Angeles, CA
Hand-painted clothing
Hermosa Beach, CA
for My Outside Agency
Provider of biological products for scientific research
Redmond, WA
Stationery design company
Gig Harbor, WA
Medical massage therapy center
Gig Harbor, WA
Event Identity: The Great Dallas Duck Race
Dallas, TX
for The Wittmann Group
San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
Playa del Run
Run + swim training event for triathletes
Playa del Rey, CA
Weightloss + wellness products company
Poway, CA
for My Outside Agency
Concept logo for restaurant
Seattle, WA
Pool & spa maintenance company
San Diego, CA
Corporate travel incentive company
Los Angeles, CA
Support for patients and families affected by HIV and a special group for the Mothers of patients
Knoxville, TN